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Marketing & Media

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Full service Online Marketing execution including SEO, SEA, Email Marketing, Mobile-, Social- and Ecommerce.
All Media Services as Photography, Video, Text for digital and offline media.

Digital Transformation

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MBD.berlin connects Technology and Strategy in Online Marketing, Digital Transformation and Internationalisation.
Analysis and Measurement Planning customised for your company and target market.

Training & Legal

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MBD.berlin cooperates with the law firm of Attorney Philipp Beck, specialised in Media and Copyright Law. Topics covered: Terms & conditions, privacy and revocation clauses and terms, IP conformity of media usage.


Online Marketing, Digital Transformation and All-Media Services: MBD.berlin connects Technology and Strategy. We consult, project and implement for B2B and B2C and create optimised, competitive solutions.

All is one


We are specialised in Marketing and Digital Strategies between technology and strategy. Assessing and handling your projects in an professional and holistic way is our approach. Efficient and competitive results are our standard.


MBD.berlin is a joint venture of experts in Business Development, Online Marketing and Monetisation, Management, Photography and Media, Entertainment and Copyright Law.


We consider expertise and team spirit as key factors for successful execution. At MBD.berlin all tasks are executed by experts. Interdisciplinary projects are realised cooperatively.


A venture's success is based on the totality of all factors.
We create integrated digital solutions that connect online marketing disciplines for strong, holistic and efficient digital success.

More than digital


Rene Wetzel
Online Marketing Executive
Frank Johannes
Philipp Beck
Fachanwalt Medien- und Urheberrecht



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