Magento Online Shopping Cart System

Specialised Expertise in Magento Shopping Cart Software - Magento DevelopmentMagento is first choice, when it comes to ecommerce software

Magento undoubtedly is globally a leading Online Shopping Cart System. And there is a number of reasons why companies big or small have made their decision in favour of the Zend based ecommerce solution: Magento is a reliable and scalable high performance online shopping CMS, unparalleled in its extensibility through the Magento Connect Extension Marketplace and a vast multitude of third party developers all over the world. Being part of the eBay enterprise network allows a long term outlook for the software and its maintenance.

The Open Source Shop Software is available as a community version Magento CE that can be installed under a free license and the paid enterprise edition Magento EE including more features and support from Magento.

Our services and know-how for your Magento Shop

  • Online Shop concepts, feature and extension plans
  • Price calculation for online shop and shop launch scenarios
  • Services for new ecommerce projects
    • Setup
    • Development
    • Individualisation
    • Seminars and training
  • Existing Shops
    • Software updates
    • Security checks
    • Feature and extensions: standard and individualised
  • Shop relaunch, new templates
  • Mobile commerce and optimisation
  • Implementation of ecommerce marketing and partnerships
    • Affiliate marketing and partner program
    • Voucher,
    • Email marketing
    • Shopping and price comparison portals
  • Shopping certifications as TrustedShops
  • Setup and connection of payment methods and shipping services

Complementary Services for your Magento Shop


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